Mar 27 2018 #micropoetry

her lips

tell him stories

of night skies

the milky way

how the stars

shine for him

I remember when I was a little kid… #mindfulness


I remember when I was a little kid

my friend got an in ground swimming pool

when I told her I couldn’t swim

she shoved me in

so that’s how I learned

that’s pretty much a metaphor for my entire life


Mar 26 2017 #micropoetry

the sun set determinedly

on doubtful clouds of lavender

embracing them as lovers

in an orange hued serenade

sunset by M.D. Silverbrooke

photo by M.D. Silverbrooke

winter day #micropoetry

winter day makes shadows that enter into spring

1085 (5)

Mar 11 2018 #poetry #micropoetry

bathed in indigo blue tears

from ancient rainforest trees

I come to you

with moss stained knees

my heart laid out bare

I wear no more sleeves

my inner starry nights

formed a fresh striptease

eager to please

thoughts need release

borne on desirous ocean breeze

amaranthine pain must cease

Mar 3 2018 #micropoetry

speak to me

into the small hours

of the night

speak to me

of when you were a child

of how you were held

tell me how safety smelled

speak to me

of what you

care for most

don’t let it die

don’t become a ghost

speak to me

of when

we’ll meet again

speak to me

till the very end

Mar 2 2018 #micropoetry


they lay in wait


like wisps of smoke

in amongst the shadows

of a ravenous night

Mar 1 2018 #micropoetry #gratitude


a deep sense of well being

wrapped around her shoulders

as a shawl of love

even if only for a brief moment

Mar 2 2018 #micropoetry

I witnessed the secrets of the night

scattered along the milky way

in ancient delight

myriad kisses

left to the ancestors

feminindigenization #poetry #artsongs #spokenword #drumming #music


If you listen to the first set to 32:20 this is a recording of my poetry reading and drumming by me, Clear Wind Blows Over the Moon, and this same poetry set to art songs composed by Evan Hammell, sung by Daniel Robinson, and with Frances Armstrong-Douglas on piano and Alex McMaster on cello.

Recorded live at the Music Gallery – songs/full recording by Paul Hodge.
