jan 28 2020 #poetry #healing #metoo #micropoetry #vss


I shatter assumptions
in one single blow
of my bubble gum

I breathe lightning bolts
and cry tears of the sun

my hopes are hidden
in amongst memory’s
forgotten songs

rage tattoos my skin
in constellations
of star patterns
that ignite
the night sky
into a thousand
worn sins


dawn tickles the horizon #micropoetry #mpy #vss


dawn tickles the horizon
darkness slinks away
sunrays smile
mist nourishes
dew laden fields
pheasant calls to its mate

Turkish coffee and backgammon #vss #veryshortstory

Once… years ago in Greece
I met a sweet old man
who was exiled from his home in Cyprus
over strong Turkish coffee
and cheap Greek cigarettes
we played backgammon into the night
and talked through the ages of our lives
he admired my Egyptian ankh
so I gave it to him
he told me to not come back to see him again
until I was married
and to bring my husband and my children to meet him
so I never did

cosmic melody #micropoetry #vss

stars spiral

singing the sky alive

drinking in sunbeams

bouncing off the moon

cosmic melody

©Clear Wind Blows Over the Moon

mark jenks.jpg

  image by mark jenks

#COP21 #haiku #micropoetry #climatechange #vss #mpy

careless cries

can’t protect

polluted skies

from salacious sighs

acid rain

rising waters

useless tears

to government’s deaf ears


so the deal is done +3 means climate crisis with

©Clear Wind Blows Over the Moon

the wind blows #micropoetry #vss


the wind blows strongly

I hear its calls

the snow falls

changes are coming

my people are drumming

©Clear Wind Blows Over the Moon

darkness steals into the room #vss #micropoetry

darkness steals into the room

on a mission

to swallow grandfather sun

an old friend

come to share tea

over winter longings

©Clear Wind Blows Over the Moon

I remember as a kid… #vss #poetry #mpy #herstory


I remember as a kid…


in a car

up a mountain

looking down at the city

like jewels of offering

on a plate of night


laying on the grass

looking up at clouds

wondering what would have happened

if I hadn’t been born


long, cold rainy nights

waiting in the car

outside the legion

time laughed wickedly

in unison with the drunks

at the windows


eating the best smoked fish


climbing tree branches

my ladder to freedom

like a dog at my feet

loyal to the acrid end

when I had to descend

and go back to

the homeless home


building dams in the creek

water spiders skated free

showing me I could be

minnows nibbled toes

water spoke to me

of a future



my dog


the land


these were the gossamer filaments

that held the childhood, helter-skelter world

of dark nights

and loose balloons


seagulls bring me sea salt on wings #micropoetry

at fresh water pond

seagulls fly in – bringing me

sea salt on their wings


longing and belonging collide #mpy #vss #micropoetry

ages and

moments pass

mountains whisper

sentinel silences dwell

in the space amid two people

where longing and belonging collide


pressed flowers poem #mpy #vss #micropoetry

pressed flowers in an old book fall to the floor

long forgotten bookmarks of the mortal coil

fading relics of simpler times

a breeze blows them away with a sigh

scattering them upon enticing winds

along with feeble hopes and whims


#mpy #vss #micrpoetry

let our passions blaze

scintillating across night skies

until they burn out in a spectacular burst

of the light of a thousand suns

leaving us breathless


but ready to love again


I dream in coastal rainforest green #mpy #poetry #micropoetry #vss

I dream in coastal rainforest green
lush moss carpeted scene
salt air on my tongue
secrets hidden from the sun


eternal watercolour dream #mpy #vss #micropoetry

reflections upon reflections
of internal thoughts
insights flow
hope floats
in an eternal watercolour dream

water colour dream