#trauma #mindfulness

sometimes a person is so damaged

it hurts them to receive love and goodness.

be patient. don’t judge. extend acceptance.

don’t expect – true giving doesn’t hinge upon anything

and is free of any strings. ❤

Nov 7 2018 #perspective #micropoetry #vss #mindfulness


leaves star the night sky
in a puddle
it’s all in how
you looks at things

#perspective #micropoetry #vss #mindfulness


nov 4 2018 #micropoetry #mindfulness


and the light does shine equally
on you and on me
no prejudice from the sun
will you ever see
#micropoetry #mindfulness
painting by Ivan Stepanovych Marchuk
Ivan Stepanovych Marchuk

aug 20 2018 #micropoetry #mindfulness


I live in between breaths

I live in the places where no one dwells

I live out life

in spite of statistics that dictate otherwise

I live one day at a time

knowing any day can be my last

doing what I can

to make this world better

than it was before I pass

june 26b 2018


they spoke of the things that didn’t matter

in order to avoid the things that did

I remember when I was a little kid… #mindfulness


I remember when I was a little kid

my friend got an in ground swimming pool

when I told her I couldn’t swim

she shoved me in

so that’s how I learned

that’s pretty much a metaphor for my entire life



the path life takes can change if you choose to change it.



Feb 4 2018 #micropoetry


the grief took her by surprise

as it was when something good came into her life

and showed her

what she had spent a lifetime missing

Jan 1 2018 b #haiku #micropoetry #mindfulness #healing

underneath that most painful gash

lies the brightest light

and clearest path

Dec 30 #micropoetry



took me

to the still place within

sitting at the calm lake

with mountain backdrop

cherry blossom petals

gently snowing down

kisses on earth

each breath

bringing me deeper

into who

I really


perspective #mindfulness


It’s all in how you look at things. Bird’s eye view. Perspective.

Image of winter woods from the air by Francisco Silva.


the winter woods by Francisco Silva.jpg

death and birth #mindfulness


the subtle interplay and beauty of death and birth in the big picture.

Image by Marian H Jenkins

by marian jenkins3.jpg

Today I’m grateful for… #gratitude #mindfulness #prayer #healing


Today I’m grateful for the ho’oponopono prayer that has become my mantra. ❤ I say 4 times:

“I am sorry, forgive me, thank you, I love you.”

Today I focused intently for about an hour saying it for the elite 1% that rule the world – I owned my part in this current negative world situation whether from some karma from a past life or otherwise.

I prayed for them and asked that they heal and that they realize how much their greed is negatively impacting the 99% of the planet and that they get help and learn to become present moment and reside in their hearts and perhaps maybe choose to share at least some small portion of their wealth so that all people can afford to eat good food, have a roof over their head, access to clean water, affordable medical care and education, etc… so the current world systems can heal and poverty ends.

I said the ho’oponopono and prayed for my people, First Nations and Indigenous living in third world conditions.

I said the ho’oponopono and prayers for the over 1,200 murdered and missing Indigenous women and their families – praying that they are at peace, that their families find peace and that the truth comes out about all of it.

I said the ho’oponopono for my abusers from my childhood and prayed for them to heal and not suffer and to stop abusing. I couldn’t get through the entire list as there were far too many but I did pray for the major ones… and I said it for any other relationships in my life that had hurt or any negativity.

For the Indian Residential school children and survivors and their families and for them to find peace and for the cycles of violence to end, and for the government to finally release the millions of documents on this, the true history of Canada that are still being held and preventing the full truth from being known.

I prayed for the millions of people that have no one to pray for them, those that are on their own and are feeling so alone and desperate and wanting to be off the planet – for them to feel my love and prayers for them and know they are never alone and that spirit and Creator supports them always.

I felt the release. I got up from bed and laid down my tobacco in prayers and gratitude for this day and for having everything I need in this moment, and for the Creator taking care of me and providing for me every day of my entire life.

❤ Peace to each and every one of you that reads this. ❤

waves of gratitude wash over me #poetry


waves of gratitude wash over me

heart releases what’s not to be

heart breathes in all that is

every moment

every breath a gift

a prayer of thanks


laid down tobacco

with water offerings

I stand here on land unceded

sacred tears wash away what’s not needed

prayers go up as I admire you, Grandmother moon

your smile shines down on mine

aligned between Mother Earth and Father Sky

I am in my power

within Creator’s power

a hollow bone

for Creator’s will

for the highest good

I am great-full

joy sings here in my chest

as love sent out comes home to nest

this moment is all I will ever have

this moment is all I will ever need

inner child in glee

I am free

I am at peace

I love you

I love me

I wish you free

I wish you love

I wish you peace

BEing #micropoetry #vss #mindfulness


peace in BEing

in the NOW

while wild winds blow and ice pellets

scratch at the windows

trying to get in

keep on keepin’ on #mindfulness


keep on keepin’ on.

keep on keepig on

Life… #mindfulness


Life is a series of remembering and forgetting who we truly are… over and over until we no longer forget.

mindfulness #micropoetry #mpy #vss


sun ripples on water
ephemeral light
brings eternal insight
even gentlest flap of butterfly’s wing
carries out to the world in concentric rings

images by by Gilen Linn

CZCoXPNUoAQVkvuby Gilen Linn2

~Anaïs Nin #quote

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud

was more painful than the risk it took to blossom”

~Anaïs Nin

Images by Gilen Linn

Turkish coffee and backgammon #vss #veryshortstory

Once… years ago in Greece
I met a sweet old man
who was exiled from his home in Cyprus
over strong Turkish coffee
and cheap Greek cigarettes
we played backgammon into the night
and talked through the ages of our lives
he admired my Egyptian ankh
so I gave it to him
he told me to not come back to see him again
until I was married
and to bring my husband and my children to meet him
so I never did

authenticity #mindfulness


Sometimes being authentic and risking sharing your most vulnerable self, can inadvertently give permission to another to do the same…

When you do, the heart connections spark, firing connections, weaving a beautiful tapestry of sharing and of life. ❤


new year mantra #micropoetry #vss


when you’ve felt so much

there’s nothing left to feel

dug so deep

no more layers to peel

cried so much

not another tear left to fall

you’re a hollow vessel

ready for it all

love in myriad forms

life to live

new adventures

and so much to give

deep peace from within

becomes your core

suffering, never more

love is your wardrobe

and peace your breath

living life with new depth

spread awareness

joy and hope

all the way

each step




your mantra

every day


©Clear Wind Blows Over the Moon

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